Network Visualization Research: John Alexis Guerra Gómez

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Network visualization is one of the most interesting topics of research in the dataviz world. I have been working on this topic since the beginning of my PhD exploring the best practices for visualizing networks.



A network clustering library that works on the browser using the Clauset, Newman and Moore algorithm.

Force in a Box algorithm


A d3v4.js plugin for distributing nodes on a clustered network, based on the groupInABox algorithm.

Twitter most influentials

Twitter most influentials

A series of visualizations I created to find who where the most interesting accounts worth following for academic conferences

IEEEVIS citation network

Network visualization of IEEVIS

IEEEVIS Citation network


AVI2016 Network Explorer

An AVI2016 paper presenting Network Explorer, a tool I built for exploring large networks at PARC


NetViz lessons

Some lessons I learned by doing netviz on industry

Openvisconf2017 talk

Untangling the Hairball Openvisconf2017 talk

My talk at Openvis2017 explaining how to untangle networks